Natural Growth Factor Injections

Natural Growth Factor Injections

Natural Growth Factor Injections use your blood cells to treat the targeted area. What’s so special about growth factors? Your plasma contains cells with vital proteins beneficial to the body’s healing process. These tiny healing cells are called growth factors because they enable the formation of new cells. We specialize in treating tear troughs or the skin beneath the eyes, facial rejuvenation, and growth factors with PRP (platelet rich plasma). It’s a safe treatment and entails placing the solution in a centrifuge which activates the transferring into accurate layers. We collect the solution in the upper portion of the tube and inject it into the skin, scalp, and other body areas with unhealthy tissues. These concentrated growth factors stimulate the production of new healthy cells.

The pros of this treatment include:

Why Choose Us? We have decades of experience ensuring your growth factor injection treatment gives you optimal results.

The Treatment

$350 per treatment, $900 for a package of three

Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation using growth factors is a non-invasive treatment that tightens and strengthens the skin on your face and eyes to give you a youthful appearance. The growth factors can be injected beneath the eyes or applied topically. This treatment stimulates blood circulation and new skin cells with a healthier collagen structure that can last years.

Natural Growth Factor Injections with PRP (platelet rich plasma)

The growth factor with PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections remains in the treatment area for more extended longevity, causing more growth factors to activate tissue regeneration. We’ll make the growth factors with PRP (platelet rich plasma) on the day of your treatment. A small amount of blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge to transfer the growth factors to accurate layers. Then, we add calcium chloride transforming it into growth factors with PRP (platelet rich plasma). The calcium chloride gives it a soft gel appearance making a scaffolding that strengthens the longevity of the growth factors.

The Treatment

$350 per treatment, $900 for a package of three

Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation using growth factors is a non-invasive treatment that tightens and strengthens the skin on your face and eyes to give you a youthful appearance. The growth factors can be injected beneath the eyes or applied topically. This treatment stimulates blood circulation and new skin cells with a healthier collagen structure that can last years.

Natural Growth Factor Injections with Fibrins

The growth factor with fibrin injections remains in the treatment area for more extended longevity, causing more growth factors to activate tissue regeneration. We’ll make the growth factors with fibrins on the day of your treatment. A small amount of blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge to transfer the growth factors to accurate layers. Then, we add calcium chloride transforming it into growth factors with fibrins. The calcium chloride gives it a soft gel appearance making a scaffolding that strengthens the longevity of the growth factors.


The growth factor PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections treat dark eye circles, cheeks, scalp, fine lines near the lips, marionette lines, and nasolabial folds.

The results show after six weeks from the initial treatment. You’ll get gradual improvements for up to six months.
The results can last six to twelve months.
  • Avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID) drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Celebrex, Ginko Biloba, St. John’s Wort, or high doses of Vitamin E as these medications and vitamins may increase your risk of bleeding and/or bruising to the treated area(s)
    • Multi-vitamins and Tylenol are permitted
  • Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing or using hair removal creams
  • Avoid tanning, exposure to the sun, or sunburns
  • Start taking Vitamin C. You may take 2000 mg daily
  • Please inform your provider if you have any history of Herpes Simplex (cold sores) on your face or lips. We can prescribe you a medication to prevent an outbreak.

  • Avoid Retin-A and other retinol
  • Avoid topical antibiotics, exfoliants, and benzoyl peroxide.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanning products
    • Tans and burns can result in hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin)
    • If you use tanning beds, we recommend that you discontinue this practice due to the increased risk of skin cancer and aging.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages as this can increase your risk for bleeding and/or bruising to the treated area(s)

  • Eat a healthy meal
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink at least 4-6 glasses of water.

Inform your provider of your current medical history, all medications or supplements you have been taking, and if you are pregnant or breast-feeding
  • Avoid rubbing, touching, or massaging the treated area(s)
  • Avoid heavy exercise, increasing your heart rate, or sweating

  • Avoid the use of ice or cold compresses
  • Avoid steam rooms, saunas, and/or strenuous exercise and sweating

  • Avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID) drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Celebrex, Ginko Biloba, St. John’s Wort, or high doses of Vitamin E as these medications and vitamins may increase your risk of bleeding and/or bruising to the treated area(s)*
  • Avoid taking antihistamines (Benadryl, Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec, etc.)*
  • Avoid oral steroids (Prednisone, Decadron, etc.)*
*All of these medications can interfere with the efficacy of your treatment.
It is optimal if you can avoid these medications for two weeks.

  • You may use Tylenol (acetaminophen) for discomfort
    • You may take 500-1000 mg every 4-6 hours, a maximum of 4g/day
  • PRP does not require “touch-ups” as we are using your body’s natural collagen process and growth factors over several weeks to months to achieve the desired results.
  • We recommend that you wait at least four weeks between PRP treatments.

Yes. You might get mild swelling, soreness, and bruising. These symptoms subside within a few days.

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